I was listening to the radio yesterday in Cleveland and the personality posed the question as to whether or not cheating should be permitted in marriage. Apparently West Coast rapper The Game made this statement and she agreed that since men "can not control themselves" that men should be allowed to cheat in a relationship. Pissed off point #1.
I get on twitter this morning and this is the exact tweet: #FACT If women were more understanding men wouldn't lie as much. Pissed off point #2
These are two of the dumbest, most idiotic statements I have ever heard but EVEN WORSE and more idiotic are the women that are agreeing with these statements and the overall attitude of many young people of our time. This attitude that says women need to LOWER their standard so men will not have to practice things such as self-discipline, loyalty, honesty, communication, patience...etc etc the list goes on.
Again LADIES, lets RAISE our standards.
In my 23 years on this Earth, I have learned that men will do anything to get and attract women. If a man really wants a woman, and he always does because men can not function without sex it seems, he will do what he has to in order to get her. Take her on dates that he doesn't want to take her on, listen to her problems that he doesn't care about, play with her kids that aren't his, buy her clothes, jewlery, pay her bills, rub her feet etc etc the list goes on of all the things men really don't want to do but do because he wants a woman.

There's this saying "The Power of The Pussy". A little derogative I know BUT oh so true. I hate being marginalized to my vagina, or my breasts, or my ass, or my hips BUT that does not change the fact that men go ape shit for a nice body and a pretty smile. Men are attracted to physical beauty which stimulates their loins and makes them want to have sex with you. LADIES, EVERY HETEROSEXUAL MAN YOU MEET WANTS TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU. EVERY SINGLE ONE. He may say he's not interested in sex, or wants a relationship, or wants to be friends, and this may well be true BUT, remember, the ultimate objective (and many times ONLY objective) is to GET IN THEM DRAWLS!
So, if we women raised our standards, men will automatically get their act together. If every single woman on this planet said "I am not dating a man who doesn't have a job, car, and supports himself" and actually didn't date men who didn't have these things, men would go get these things!!!!! The debate is endless as to whether its the man's fault for dogging the woman or the woman's fault for allowing it. Let the truth be told though, if women stopped allowing it, men would stop doing it. Furthermore, this is beneficial for both sexes, increasing the quality of single people available.
Now just imagine if women began DEMANDING respect, chivalry, honesty, communication, a strong relationship with God, independence, protection, economic mobility, intelligence, good hygiene...etc. Not just 3% of women, how about 80% of women, beacuse lets face it, there will always be desperate hoes-- the 20%. Men will get away with whatever you let them get away with. Let me repeat MEN WILL GET AWAY WITH WHATEVER YOU LET THEM GET AWAY WITH!! If they can get away with a movie at the crib and a bottle of Moscato and smash on the 1st night, don't expect much more. If they can get away with a mass good morning text every other day and a half-ass phone conversation and you still buy them clothes, J's, and they eat all your shit, don't expect something more. Men love to do as little as possible to attain their goal (I aint mad at it) but if you demand MORE in exchange for your time, body, and loyalty and they really want you, they will do it. The Power of The Pussy.
Whatever we do as women, men will follow accordingly because they want to fuck. Not 100% of men are shallow vagina-driven men BUT I'd say at least 98% lol. Don't you realize how much more attention you get when you wear leggings or low-cut shirts? This is the power of physical beauty. We reel em in easily ladies! That's the simplicity of a man!! But it seems like we have begun to believe that because men initially notice our bodies and looks, that is all we are worth. Noooo!! That is what arouses and attracts a man yes, but it is not what keeps a man, and definitely not a GOOD one.
A good book that goes into some more factual detail for all you fact and logic driven people is The Conspiracy to Destroy Black Women by Michael Porter. Now, you may want to disregard the whole Nation of Islam hatred of the White Devil undertone of the book and focus on the argument he lays out, which is excellent. He goes further by outlining how women set the tone of society. We as women are responsible for the cultivation of children! We teach and show our sons how to treat women and teach and show our daughters how to be a lady. Women maintain the standard of available single men by maintaining our level of womanhood. We really have the power to shift the attitudes of our society in regards to love, relationships, and marriage. It is simply a matter of how much we love ourselves. How willing are we to say NO to the thirsty men who will say anything to convince us that we should have sex with them 2 hrs after meeting them when we don't even know their last name? How willing are we to be lonely for a period of time? How willing are we to expect the same from our partners? How willing are we to DEMAND what we want? How willing are we to practice what we preach and correct our nasty habits as women? How willing are we to love ourselves as much as we love our God?
One thing I admire about men is their ability to ask for what they want without fear of rejection or embarassment. Guys have said some of the most ridiculous things to me, and even though I shut it down, I admired the courage to be up front about his wants. We women need to do the same thing. We want honesty, fidelity, chivalry, patience etc WE NEED TO DEMAND THAT SHIT!!! If he can't provide it, throw on a pair if leggings and I bet you will have 20 candidates ready to fulfill your needs. If someone isn't willing to take you out, or wait to have sex, or have a phone conversation with you, or treat you with respect, whatever, then YOU DON'T NEED HIM. HE'S BASIC!!