This is my 1st feminist dilemma. Lol it seems the older I get the more contradictory I appear but if you let me tell it, I'm just learning to accept the Universe and all her paradoxical ways. Yes I guess being pro-choice and anti-abortion does seem quite impossible or confusing but almost everything about me is confusing to outsiders and onlookers.
From a sociopolitical stance and a social work stance and I suppose a human rights stance, I would classify myself as pro-choice. I believe every individual has the right to make their own choices, including in regards to their body. I do not agree with imposing your will onto someone, but rather empowering the individual to make healthy choices for themselves. I would never condone or support something that strips a woman ( or any other person) of their right to make a choice. I understand the circumstances that lead many women to having abortions and I sympathize with the women's struggle.
However, from a personal and spiritual viewpoint, I am against the operation and act itself. I do believe the emotional, physical, and psychological scars that form after an abortion has been performed are far more damaging than any obstacles one would face if they carry out an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy. I realize I stated this is a spiritual perspective but understand THIS IS NOT A RELIGIOUS POINT OF VIEW!! My pov stems from my spiritual values of love, faith, and forgiveness. I do believe that:
1) God doesn't place a load with you that you can't bear
2) "Shit don't just happen, shit happens for a reason"-- Jadakiss
3) We must learn to accept personal responsibility
Also, I believe in the resiliency of the human race and the strength of women ( not just BLACK women).
I understand that present circumstances aren't always ideal when an unplanned pregnancy occurs, whether it be financial strain, rape, dysfunctional parental relationship, or just unpreparedness, yet in life almost everything occurs at the wrong time. I've witnessed many of my friends carry out an unplanned pregnancy and I watched how they evolved and matured as women, becoming beautiful mothers and inspirational women.
Following my spiritual beliefs, having faith that the universe conspired to bless me with a life to cultivate, having faith that the universe will support me in motherhood, having faith that I can be a good mother, I encourage others to discover and harness the same faith in any difficult decision. Many times people make decisions from a place of fear, fearing that the outcome of something so grand, unplanned, and socially unacceptable could have favorable results, when in actuality, NO ONE KNOWS what the results will be so the fear is actually IMAGINED.
I was at the bar and my companions were all excited about the law that just passed in NY saying that they were eliminating the age limits for consumers to purchase the 'morning after pill'. I was the only one not too thrilled lol. I thought about my 10 yr old niece who just started her menstrual cycle, looks about 3 years older than what she is now, who will have easy access to this pill if she just so happens to get herself in a situation at an early age. I thought about how she probably wouldn't see the need to reach out to anyone when she could handle the situation herself. I thought she would probably bear the secret forever, and let it fester. The thought frightens me.
Idk what it is with America and the world that we just love killing and eliminating our obstacles and disrupting the flow of nature. Abortion is unnatural and to me that already is a RED FLAG. You are disrupting the natural flow of the universe and simultaneously increasing your chances for sterility all in an effort to extinguish a load you feel you can not bear.
I think making abortion an issue in the midst of a teen pregnancy epidemic is catastrophic. Abortion becomes more and more common while our youth are sexualized at even younger ages and more intensely! Our underdeveloped younger sisters are making adult decisions unaware of the magnitude of the entire decision. We view abortion as a solution to a problem (unwanted, unplanned pregnancy) when our focus should be the promotion of safe sex and preventative measures, which DIRECTLY addresses the epidemic and doesn't provide a quick short term solution with long term consequences unbeknownst to the general public. Kinda one sided eh?
In America (but I guess period since we're Americanizing everyone), our quickest solutions to conflict and obstacles are guns and abortion. That's a hyperbolic statement I realize lol...maybe. But I do believe ppl have the same attitude about the use of guns, which ppl use as a QUICK & EASY SOLUTION to conflict, as abortion which can be a quick and easy solution.
Now I'm not judging anyone who has or who has had an abortion because as a human , I would never want my right to choose stripped away from me and as a being with integrity, I would never judge anyone's choices. However, I want to be that voice of faith and hope for scared parents that says you can do this. Have you considered all your options? Do you know the risks? What are your fears?
I really just want to end by saying I have a friend who was born from rape. I don't think his mother could imagine her life without him. He is such a loving, warm, and contagious spirit. My mom reminds me that I was supposed to be an abortion. I like to think that she's grateful that I was not lol as am I.