I was listening to the radio this morning and they were talking about Rihanna and Chris Brown on their remix to "Birthday Cake". I really was feeling a way! Normally, I like to separate the artist from the individual--- like R. Kelly and MJ. They make great music despite their personal issues. I usually don't even pay it any mind. But listening to this Rihanna and Chris Brown issue, I just didn't like the entire situation since she got fu**ed up in the 1st place. First, I just didn't like how 1 minute the world hates Chris Brown, doing all these domestic violence specials then the next minute they're doing album release specials. First he was portrayed as a monster, then as a fricking idol. Media had people never ready to support him again then back to #TeamBreezy.
I really think we shouldn't be acting like Rihanna's behavior is in anyway healthy or should be condoned, supported, or neglected. This is the domestic violence cycle:

So we all seen the pics....Rihanna looked pretty bad. Its very well likely that next time she will look worse, could have some broken bones, then the next time she will be dead. This is what happens in domestic violence instances!!! People want to say, "its not our business", or "she's dumb" or "if thats what she wants to do its her life". This is #1 a blaming the victim mentality and #2 shows no compassion or concern for our women or humankind as a whole. Women involved in abusive relationships many times remain in this vicious cycle. In unorthodox circumstances, the obvious and practical decision (to leave) is not always easy or feasible. In this instance, I can only imagine the other burdens faced by Rihanna as she tries to make sense of the situation while the media paints all sorts of pictures and she faces immense criticism.
Domestic violence cases are kind of like rape cases....the woman can be physically, mentally, and emotionally traumatized, clouding the woman's judgement, decision making abilities, making them vulnerable, lowering feelings of self- worth and esteem etc. I just feel as if Rih should have an ear telling her to be weary of forming any sort of relationship with Chris Brown. Also, what kind of message is that sending to all of her female fans?? That it's ok to reconcile an abusive relationship. Some stats right quick:
- Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten.
- Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women—more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined.
- Based on reports from 10 countries, between 55 percent and 95 percent of
women who had been physically abused by their partners had never
contacted non-governmental organizations, shelters, or the police for
- Women of all ages are at risk for domestic and sexual violence, and those age 20 to 24 are at the greatest risk of experiencing nonfatal intimate partner violence
- Of the total domestic violence homicides, about 75% of the victims were killed as
they attempted to leave the relationship or after the relationship had ended.
- About 4,000 women die each year due to domestic violence.
- On average, a woman will leave an abusive relationship seven times before she leaves for good.
Domestic violence is another issue that women face at an alarming rate that society would like us to believe "isn't really happening" or "isn't that bad". We've become desensitized just like with rape!!! These instances present enormous emotional and mental barriers for women that may last a lifetime. As a result, many women do not report these instances because they blame themselves, or feel ashamed or scared. These populations of women need support systems and need to know that they will be ok and the behavior of their significant other is not normal or healthy!! Let's not keep brushing everything under the rug just because it isn't happening in your household. It is still affecting you and your daughters and sons and the entire community.
Domestic violence is an issue but why is it bigger issue because of Rihanna? Nobody cares about Jane Doe down the street and Joe Blow that could possibly be a victim of domestic violence also. None of us knows what happened that night and if this is how they choose to make their money so be it. I hate to be the Devil's advocate here but it is what it is. And on top of that they could have been in two different countries recording the songs and may not have even spoken to each other. People send beats and recordings through email now. TI co-wrote a book in jail. WHO CARES? Not me. There's bigger concerns in the world besides CB and RiRi. Unemployment, AIDS, Black on black crime, I can go on and on. IJS...
ReplyDeleteNick I hear what u saying, but domestic violence really is an issue. And i feel like the issue is downplayed bc they are famous. Shxt I care about Jane Doe too, I'm wondering why ppl don't care about Rih?? I know I'm mad late with this lol....And we don't know but we need 2 stop making excuses for the abusers smh