Monday, October 15, 2012

5 Minute Thought on "The Uppercut"

As a society, our thought patterns and overall cultural values and norms are constantly evolving. It appears that as  time goes on though, that we just want to combat every standard set forth until there are no more standards. We seem to play devils' advocate when it comes to all the wrong issues. Some things are just not broken and just don't need fixing.

This is all bothering me because of the Cleveland bus driver who punched the girl in the face. This was an instance where both people CLEARLY are at fault in some way. The girl should have never laid her hands on the driver or invaded his personal space. The driver should have never uppercutted the girl. TWO wrongs. But, many people are under the notion that the driver was right and only the girl was wrong O_o. In our culture, it is standard that males do not physically induce harm on females, due to the fact that men, in general and by nature, possess more physical strength than us females. This is a standard that for some UNKNOWN, IDIOTIC reason has been challenged by society. This notion that lesbians who wear mens clothing and females who hit you first DESERVE and SHOULD be hit by their male counterpart is now acceptable. A male SHOULD NEVER hit a female. Now any female is wrong for hitting a male--- so now that that has been acknowledged, can we get one party in the situation to act righteously?? We know the female is wrong if she's provoking you or hitting you!! The man is then left to be the bigger person-- He can walk away, restrain her, or CALL 911!!! If any of these options make you feel like less of a man, and hitting a female somehow makes you feel like more of a man, THAT SOUNDS LIKE A PERSONAL PROBLEM.

This is not a right & wrong situation. Just 2 wrongs. Neither act is righteous or justified. And that is all.


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