Ignite our own fires
Exploring the POSSiBiLiTiES. Uncovering the HiDDEN. Discussing the TABOO. Expressing my HEART.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
If there were no Bibles, Qu'rans. or Torahs....
Ignite our own fires
Sunday, July 14, 2013
My Thoughts on the Zimmerman Verdict One Day Later
I generally am not very emotional about death and cases like these anymore. They are all too common and all too sensationalized. I acknowledge the pain and pray for those affected, but I generally do not dwell on the situations. I prefer to focus on solutions to the never ending chaos rather than engulf myself in the pain that surrounds us all. But this decision is just affecting me heavy today! I feel so hurt and in so much pain that the family has to suffer and that the system is designed in a way that all individuals aren't granted equality and justice under the law. There are discrepancies in race, class, gender. etc that determine if you will be treated equal and just under the law and this is obvious.
Furthermore, what is really plunging me into a state of deeper anger and depression are the scattered responses TO responses to people's outrage about the decision. What I mean is:
- The comments I read that said why we are stupid and brainwashed for protesting for Trayvon when in Syria some other injustices are occurring
- The status that said I don't get why people don't get this outraged about Black on Black crime
- The conversations about the uselessness of passive protests and rallies and sorry nature of activist communities that do these things
Minimizing the seriousness of this situation by bringing the attention to another injustice, as if activism and advocacy and the fight for equality is a game of tit for tat where we have to prioritize which injustices get mentioned, talked about, or rallied for first is sad! Its a product of this sensationalizing culture that we live in and propaganda we are fed. We buy into the idea that the worst & biggest injustices are the ones that appear on the tv screen and trending topics the most. No!! There are horrific injustices happening every fucking day, 24/7, 365, whether its murder, institutionalized racism, rape, human trafficking, police brutality, fucked up laws passing, patriarchy, hate crimes, Zimmerman getting off, exploitation, capitalism, the list goes on forever!! But we can't be mad that people are mad....Why? We watched a travesty play out before our eyes. Many can empathize. Sympathize. Is compassion now a crime as well?
Even further, these viewpoints all speak some ignorance into the atmosphere. Organizing for rallies and protests is never futile, especially for the spirit. Just thinking in terms of energy---gathering a group of people in a common space (with intense passion and intent mind you) is what we as activists live for! You have harnessed collective energy with a common goal who obviously want a change, because they have showed up. It is at least a building block to forming something substantial, if the organizers have the hope, plans, and determination to proceed. Secondly, I HATE the notion that Black people don't show outrage when reckless violence occurs within our community. BULLSHIT!! We have vigils, marches, rallies, and outrage when that happens as well. Once again, that's the belief that whatever is on tv must be the truth and must be valued.
Further though, I don't think people understand why this situation does garner outrage from the Black community and why it indeed has an adverse affect on us. When a case is sensationalized like this, with all the racial undertones included, people feel the emotions and listen to the opinions ad notice the context of certain opinions and publicized happenings, and we become invested in the trial, emotionally and spiritually. But what this case shows is the existence of institutionalized and systemic racism and classism that still exists presently, that people vehemently try to deny. Systemic and institutionalized racism and classism have just as great an effect if not the most on the conditions that the inhabitants of this country are in....spiritually impoverished, mentally dead, and on the brink of destruction. Shouldn't the victims of these isms be outraged. WTF?! Are we supposed to be outraged at a different time? In a different way? For a different reason? Why not now?
I just think we sometimes always want to look at what's wrong with anything and everything. Black people are actually organizing in a constructive way for a constructive cause and it's still a problem. Isn't this the solution we all say we need? To unite. Even now that we decide to unite, the unison isn't good enough.
People should be ready to die today. Sorry but that is not realistic. That all people will be ready to give up everything to be a 24 hr activist overnight. I am just happy they took the step to take a stand for something. I see the heart in that. Now its your job to engage and empower them further.
Those people should care about this and not that. Well why don't you get a group together who cares about that, educate us on it, then we can work together to rectify both issues.
Let's realize that the ills of society will not be rectified with one motion, in one week, under one condition. The problem is multidimensional so the solution will be as well. This is the importance of building coalitions. This is the purpose of organizing. This is the purpose of empowerment. We must remain in good spirits focusing on positive outcomes and supporting productive change. We must show our un-support of injustice and demand fairness, equality, and our human rights. Spreading negativity makes you apart of the problem.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Its Not What You Know Its Who You Know: Why Business and Emotions DO Mix
This is the corporate/ professional/ entrepreneurial mantra: Its Not What You Know But Who You Know. From my experiences over the past few years, I can agree with this unwritten rule. Networking and building connections with people is so important! Knowing CEOs, donors, promoters, board members, politicians, city officials, managers, entertainers, even bouncers and djs can open doors for you in which others may not even reach. Knowing people, especially people with influence, can be the difference between getting a job, getting a grant, paying for a party, being elected to office, a bill passing, getting a promotion, or just even gaining access to certain information or places. The impressions we leave on people and the people we know and connect with are guaranteed to effect situations and outcomes.
My thing is....if we can accept and recognize this dynamic, how can we in the same breath be so ADAMANT about separating emotions from the business and professional world? Do we not realize that essentially, relationship building is based on our emotions??!!?
People love to say, you're letting your emotions make decisions for you or stop letting your emotions effect you. That's like saying stop letting your hormones effect you. You can't. Its involuntary. What you CAN do is suppress or ignore your emotions but that doesnt mean its not effecting your body, thoughts, and decisions. Whether you recognize the truth or not, it will still remain true. The coldest man has emotions, so even in a business setting, this person may appear cool as a cucumber, but if you rub him or her the wrong way, they are not going to fuck with you.
People say emotions have no place in business so many corporate and professional people attempt to suppress their emotions by not expressing them or for some completely ignoring them, as if they don't exist. But, we all know emotions exist; our bodies involuntarily have SOME sort of response to stimuli, verbal and nonverbal. For example, you meet someone at a networking event with prejudice viewpoints. You may clench your teeth or curse the person out. Both are reactions to the emotion anger. You meet someone who specializes in your field at the park. You either smile or grab them and hug and kiss them. Both are reactions to the emotion joy. Both reactions will garner different responses from the receiver.
So how am I tying this in? Because irregardless of expression, emotions will determine the healthiness of any relationship. If someone is experiencing unwanted emotions when interacting with you, i.e anger, frustration they are not going to want to build with you, do favors for you, promote you, hire you, even refer you. They may be inclined to slander your name if the negative emotions have effected their outlook on you THAT much. The opposite is also true; if someone experiences favorable emotions when interacting with you i.e joy, ease then they will be inclined to work with you further. People don't work with people they don't like.
Its not what you know its who you know.
Emotions have no place in business
Emotions have a place in everything! How would we even know our own likes and dislikes without emotion? One would not feel anything was it not for emotion. We could just all live in bubbles not interacting with anyone or anything, and even still, we could possibly fall prey to emotions such as loneliness or despair. Emotions steer us toward desired outcomes. They are the precursors to thought; the innate animal response to any stimuli which signals to our brain how to voluntarily express this feeling (tears, blushing, yelling, smiling, etc). Emotions are apart of us as human beings; its not an option lol. Denying emotions is denying who you are.
When people hear the word emotions, its associated with hysterical crying or rage. Of course these 2 emotions would be inappropriate and unfavorable in ALMOST EVERY SETTING. But emotions have such a huge range and every emotion can be expressed at different intensities. We can PRETEND that emotions are irrelevant but whether someone expresses them or not, they remain and they effect our decision making. We do not like to experience negative emotions and will avoid the causes of them, including if these causes are people. I am not associating with someone who FRUSTRATES me. PERIOD. Unless they are the only being in the universe with a certain ability lol.
Therefore, "who you know", on at least SOME level, is based on emotional intelligence.
My thoughts on the importance of our beautiful emotions which have been devalued by patriarchy, along with the other functions of spirit and heart....
Friday, May 24, 2013
The Lioness' Thirst

I'll disregard any obtrusions,
illusions that I have limits
or obstacles that prevent it
from happening.
I'd rather give it my undivided attention
and deepest, genuine work.
My image can seem indifferent
but spirit is on beserk.
I've learnt to make manifest
what I feel is deserved.
I'm preying on what's to come
and ready to get served
my next feast.
I'm so beast
its like The Lioness emerged.
I Black Out.....
All I see is a goal
and all I knows there's a way
so all I do is move toward it.
And move forward.
My soul has so ordered it.
Mind will so warrant it.
All my dreams have been torrented
into my own reality.
Cuz I chase them emphatically.
No awareness of gravity,
constantly soaring up.
Floating on clouds magically.
Rising to new heights
expanding my conscious avidly.
Fears are turning to casualties.
Rapidly I'm evolving and
actually the world's revolving
around me.

who have been gawking on me.
They said I'm shining and finally
the truth is dawning on me.
I am the center, conductor, instructor,
I am the team.
Determine structure and function
and then I live out the dream.
You say assumption and I assume
you're misguided indeed.
My intuition inhibits visions
beyond what you see.
I'm on a mission, this shit was written
Who am I to misread?
Its time my conscious is freed.
And its my option to flee life
but I'm opting to be twice
as brave as the prev life.
No slave to this dream life.
It seems like there's a war in the world.
So used to having to fight.
We're not enjoying our world.
How can you say you love God
then start destroying our world?
When we're tired of being victims
we start exploiting our world.
The honor for your man follows

Stop chasing riches
if you wanna harness some wealth.
Love your body like its Godly,
Don't tarnish your health.
And if you're breaking all alone
go and garner some help.
Perceive it and then see.
Believe it and then preach.
Receive it and then teach.
Complacent with second place and
lets face it I'm not adjacent.
I'm lapping you in this race and
I'm still catching my pace and
steady chasing a meal
like a Lion in heels,
like I ain't just pay my bill
cuz I know that I'm destined for greatness.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Traumatic Histories : Are Blacks due Reparations?
Recently, I've read about the history of over 100,000 Asian Americans who were thrown from their homes on the West Coast of the US during WWII following Pearl Harbor and conflict with Japan. They were placed on concentration camps for about 4 years from 1941-1945, secluded and restricted, under 24 hour watch by US military forces. In 1948 under the Evacuation Claims Act internees from the camps received <10% of their total property losses. In 1983, it was concluded that the internment camps were unlawful and stemmed from "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership". In 1988, Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act granting $20,000 to each survivor and issuing a public apology.
I also learned recently a little more in depth how Native Americans have been attempting to undo the damage created by the 'great' ancestors and founders of our country. Native Americans who were stripped of their land, culture, lives then stigmatized and displaced are another culture who have been struggling to recover collectively from a traumatic history in the US. Many habits that plague the Native American population currently are a result of the abuse and oppression from European invaders, such as alcoholism, gambling addiction, and domestic abuse. Native Americans are acting to reverse this trauma by reconnecting with their culture and seeking policy to regain land and maintain their way of life. There is even beginning to be a division amongst Native Americans, with those who maintain a distrust for the US government and dont want to assimilate or work with them to rebuild and those who seek to work with the govt and assimilate into the culture. I don't believe Native Americans have ever received an apology.
Another point I want to recognize is the Jewish Holocaust which we are all familiar with. This lasted about 10 years and had over 10 million casualties, with about 6 million being Jewish. The Holocaust ended in 1945 and in 1953 an agreement had been reached and Germany began paying BILLIONS of dollars to Jews in reparations and to this day, many Jews still seek additional reparations.
These are all horrible and otrocious acts without a doubt. I am not trying to make a comparison about which is worse because in my opinion oppression is oppression is wrong. All these acts in history share similarities with slavery too. The racial prejudice, mistreatment of citizens, stigmatization, horrible treatment of people orchestrated by the government, stripping of culture, deplorable living conditions, unlawful invasions, dehumanization, failure of politcal intervenence, stealing of property, etc. But what is the major difference? Reparations. Rebuilding. Length of time in which forgiveness is recognized and expressed. Descendants of slavery have never received reparations and the conversation is rarely even discussed in political arenas. Unlike Native Americans, the cultural and literal bond between African Americans and Africa and the cultures that were stripped during the "move" from Africa to America during the slave trade remains invisible and broken. Ha if anything African Americans ( the name yall like) want to be as least African as possible. Lastly, the US didnt officially issue an apology for slavery until 2009 (not unanimously fyi). 200 years later! Jews and Asian Americans (and mankind frankly) received compensation AND apologies in faster time.
Honestly, all of these victims deserve compensation and justice for the crimes committed against them. For property stolen. Years of Life stolen. And identity stolen. What I noticed is that the Jews and Asian Americans had to fight for what they were due. These same perpetuators and enforcers of oppression were not going to just say "Okay lets pay you back for all the fucked up shit we knowingly did to you". No. They had to collectively organize and put pressure on the oppressors/ big wigs to put their money where their bullshit legislation was and apologize and pay up! And thats exactly what they did.
![]() |
Middle Passage slave voyage |
We're also divided on reconnecting with our lost and forgotten culture. I understand both points of view honestly; those who want to reclaim a stolen African culture and those who want to maintain the only American culture they know. But personally, I can not willingly and excitedly adopt a culture which in its creation denounced someone who looked like me as inhuman and unworthy of righteous living and respect. Idk just common sense wise....factually...REALISTICALLY... This culture was forced upon my people, used to degrade me, and placed ppl of African descent at a subservient status. Frankly, I still feel that American culture implies this attitude today ( for the norms of American culture do not reflect African American values, beauty standards, habits etc in fact they're stigmatized i.e "nappy" hair, curvy figures, expressive emotion, communalism, etc.). This alllll needs to be taken into consideration before I say I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! Sike nigga
I wonder though, why isn't anyone else outraged and in support of justice for the descendants of slaves? Why wait so long to issue an apology? Why isn't this ever discussed? Why wasn't it rectified years ago? I find it just interesting that most people can agree all these incidents are tragic and Jews and Asians deserve restitution and Native Americans deserve to maintain their land and culture but when it comes to slavery, Blacks need to stop complaining and get over it. WTF?!??!
Worst of all is that Black people have this get over it attitude as well. Oh how easy it is to keep a race/ population oppressed who doesnt even realize it. People get away with murder because you let them, and Blacks in America have let the country LITERALLY get away with murder. Now generations later we see cycles of poverty and illiteracy etc. We have accepted maltreatment and a subservient state in the country and the country thanks us for our hospitality.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Pro Choice but Anti Abortion.....Yeah
From a sociopolitical stance and a social work stance and I suppose a human rights stance, I would classify myself as pro-choice. I believe every individual has the right to make their own choices, including in regards to their body. I do not agree with imposing your will onto someone, but rather empowering the individual to make healthy choices for themselves. I would never condone or support something that strips a woman ( or any other person) of their right to make a choice. I understand the circumstances that lead many women to having abortions and I sympathize with the women's struggle.
However, from a personal and spiritual viewpoint, I am against the operation and act itself. I do believe the emotional, physical, and psychological scars that form after an abortion has been performed are far more damaging than any obstacles one would face if they carry out an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy. I realize I stated this is a spiritual perspective but understand THIS IS NOT A RELIGIOUS POINT OF VIEW!! My pov stems from my spiritual values of love, faith, and forgiveness. I do believe that:
1) God doesn't place a load with you that you can't bear
2) "Shit don't just happen, shit happens for a reason"-- Jadakiss
3) We must learn to accept personal responsibility
Also, I believe in the resiliency of the human race and the strength of women ( not just BLACK women).
I understand that present circumstances aren't always ideal when an unplanned pregnancy occurs, whether it be financial strain, rape, dysfunctional parental relationship, or just unpreparedness, yet in life almost everything occurs at the wrong time. I've witnessed many of my friends carry out an unplanned pregnancy and I watched how they evolved and matured as women, becoming beautiful mothers and inspirational women.
Following my spiritual beliefs, having faith that the universe conspired to bless me with a life to cultivate, having faith that the universe will support me in motherhood, having faith that I can be a good mother, I encourage others to discover and harness the same faith in any difficult decision. Many times people make decisions from a place of fear, fearing that the outcome of something so grand, unplanned, and socially unacceptable could have favorable results, when in actuality, NO ONE KNOWS what the results will be so the fear is actually IMAGINED.
I was at the bar and my companions were all excited about the law that just passed in NY saying that they were eliminating the age limits for consumers to purchase the 'morning after pill'. I was the only one not too thrilled lol. I thought about my 10 yr old niece who just started her menstrual cycle, looks about 3 years older than what she is now, who will have easy access to this pill if she just so happens to get herself in a situation at an early age. I thought about how she probably wouldn't see the need to reach out to anyone when she could handle the situation herself. I thought she would probably bear the secret forever, and let it fester. The thought frightens me.
Idk what it is with America and the world that we just love killing and eliminating our obstacles and disrupting the flow of nature. Abortion is unnatural and to me that already is a RED FLAG. You are disrupting the natural flow of the universe and simultaneously increasing your chances for sterility all in an effort to extinguish a load you feel you can not bear.
I think making abortion an issue in the midst of a teen pregnancy epidemic is catastrophic. Abortion becomes more and more common while our youth are sexualized at even younger ages and more intensely! Our underdeveloped younger sisters are making adult decisions unaware of the magnitude of the entire decision. We view abortion as a solution to a problem (unwanted, unplanned pregnancy) when our focus should be the promotion of safe sex and preventative measures, which DIRECTLY addresses the epidemic and doesn't provide a quick short term solution with long term consequences unbeknownst to the general public. Kinda one sided eh?
In America (but I guess period since we're Americanizing everyone), our quickest solutions to conflict and obstacles are guns and abortion. That's a hyperbolic statement I realize lol...maybe. But I do believe ppl have the same attitude about the use of guns, which ppl use as a QUICK & EASY SOLUTION to conflict, as abortion which can be a quick and easy solution.
Now I'm not judging anyone who has or who has had an abortion because as a human , I would never want my right to choose stripped away from me and as a being with integrity, I would never judge anyone's choices. However, I want to be that voice of faith and hope for scared parents that says you can do this. Have you considered all your options? Do you know the risks? What are your fears?
I really just want to end by saying I have a friend who was born from rape. I don't think his mother could imagine her life without him. He is such a loving, warm, and contagious spirit. My mom reminds me that I was supposed to be an abortion. I like to think that she's grateful that I was not lol as am I.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Monogamy vs The Other Options
I decided to finally write this piece after talking about the topic sooo much and just ranting out frustrated feelings. I figured I need to get it all out in a cohesive piece so then maybe my strong feelings about the subject could subside a tad lol. The topic is this anti-marriage stance our generation is flocking towards. Dumbest shit ever.
I'm totally an open minded woman woman of 2013 in many ways, so I understand the anti- marriage/monogamy stance in the world we live in today. People are sexually liberated, goal oriented, and individualistic. Lifetime commitment isn't a MUST anymore and I'm all with that. I'm not wedding crazed and I don't think everyone should settle down because that's whats socially acceptable. I'm not too keen on commitment myself lol. I could care less about divorce statistics, which the bitter says is just cause to never be married. While all these reasons I understand to an extent, except the bitter fearful people who deny the idea of marriage because of the way other people have lived their lives, the anti marriage stance as a whole, looking at the big picture, is dumb as shit, selfish, and socially irresponsible.
The main and really only reason is the kids. I always say for all you anti marriage people, I hope you don't plan on having any kids. No one wants to get married but everyone wants to have unprotected sex. So now we have a bunch of kids in broken homes and single parent families. Is this what we want to perpetuate? Marriage creates the foundation for family which is the foundation of a healthy and stable environment to raise a child in. Of course all 2 parent families aren't perfect and worry free and all 1 parent families aren't failing and dysfunctional; but its a FACT that a child will develop better emotionally, socially, socioeconomically, mentally, physiologically, etc when raised in a 2 parent household.
All I hear are woes about psycho baby mamas and deadbeat baby daddys yet we still want to deny our child the RIGHT to grow up in a stable household by simultaneously perpetuating the ideas of unprotected sex and uncommited sex, and now creating an anti marriage culture. What a self destructive ideaology!!! We're pretty much opening the doors for psycho baby mama and deadbeat dad drama. Were putting our short term pleasure ahead of our child's long term well being. You may not realize it but you are.
Many people themselves grew up with only one parent or watching their parents co-parent, by moving between houses and having visits. As a child, they learn this unstable pattern. Many people resent their absent parent as they grow up yet become that absent parent in the future. Once we cultivate a child, we are responsible for everything that happens to that child thereafter. This is a human life!! We owe that life all of our will power and strength to provide them with the best life possible. The best life possible involves raising your child in a stable 2 parent household, with a masculine and feminine perspective on life, dual incomes to provide financial stability, a structure for emotional support, and a stable and balanced environment.
"Oh well me and my significant other don't get along and its best we're not together so Im doing the right thing" SHUT THE FUCK UP! Take responsibility for your actions. You are not making the best decision for the child, you are making the best decision for yourself. First of all, your unstable crazy relationship affects your child the most. Secondly, that's your mistake that's leading to your child's suffering, whether you see it or not. We live in a sexually irresponsible culture and we have babies as collateral, in insincere relationships, with people we don't know or love, at a young age, and unfortunately the children are left to bear the consequences. Who are we to bring a child into the world when we dont have the means to provide the best life for them? Now Im not saying single parents or young parents should feel ashamed or that they are bad people...not at all. But i am saying that we should place more value and thought into what exactly having a child entails before we participate in actions that lead to having a child, such as unprotected sex. Of course we all struggle with self control and our emotions so if we do partake, we must be prepared to raise a child. And if we have a child, we must be prepared to take the necessary steps to provide that child with the most healthy life possible.
I know we're still young but sometimes I feel like the only 23 year old without a kid lol. We still want our freedom and fun but once you have a kid, you have to realize that everything you say, think, do, will be digested, emulated, and have an affect on that child. That child seeing you with various partners, the child not having a relationship with one parent, the child growing up poor, enduring your resentment, etc will fester in his subconscious and manifest in reality through behavior and patterns. No marriage equals a huge possibility for unstable houses breeding unstable children who turn into Chief Keefs.
I totally get that shit happens and everyone's situation is different. The relationship with you and your child's mother/father may be completely broken or nonexistent and the option for that union is nonexistent as well. However, you still are obligated to provide that child with the best life possible. Even when you believe in marriage you may still end up in the same situation of having a kid with someone who isnt prepared to be a good parent. Ok thats my mistake now I have to let it go and provide the best life possible for my seed.
Its almost like pick and choose. By opting against marriage, you are opting against providing your children or future children with a healthy, consistent, stable family structure. Most people I believe are anti marriage because they're bitter. They don't think the opposite sex is capable of fidelity or commitment. They were raised by unwed parents so the concept is foreign. Whatever the reason, it becomes selfish once you have or even consider having kids. Once you have unprotected sex with someone you couldnt imagine raising a family with, you've become selfish and irresponsible. We've all done it but we don't all own up to our mistakes or irresponsibilities. We place blame on others.
I really think people don't think about this when they adopt this anti marriage attitude though. They're thinking about their freedom and settled insecurities. Instead I say think about your kids or the kids you plan to have. Think about the life they may lead when you decide marriage is not for you and continually engage in unprotected sex. Think about the confusion the child experiences when they build relationships with various adults with various viewpoints, none if which may be his/her parents'. Thats all I'm saying...
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Who or What is God to Me
This is the question we all need to ask ourselves.
This is the question that began my spiritual journey. First, a lot of people don't even see me as very spiritual because of some of my habits i.e drinking, cursing to name a few, my lack of religious affiliation, and my views on organized religion, but in my personal life, prayer and a strong connection with God is at the core of my living. However, in order for me to even build this relationship with God, I had to ask myself who or what do I think God is in the first place?
I still don't have my 100% definitive answer for that question but the more I learn and discover about myself, the clearer my answer has become. Most people believe in a God that is omnipresent, omniscient, you know all seeing and all knowing, who watches and judges our behavior on earth and determines if we go to heaven or hell, I guess based on if we follow certain rules. God created everything and every person and we should be devoted to him and not overcome by the devil or we will burn in hell. When I really thought about this notion of this God I had always believed in blindly and accepted as the idea of God, I had to laugh and just dissect the idea for myself because that idea is just ridiculous to me! I can't believe that the creator of life would be so judgmental and vindictive lol. I can't believe the creator would condemn his creations to an eternal fire just for forming their own opinions or making mistakes. The idea of God that I blindly accepted instilled fear into me, which is apparently an idea we as humans accept because we refer to ourselves as God fearing. Would God really want me to fear him or love him? Move closer to him? The concept of God that I had always accepted made me feel as if there was a checklist or guidelines and the more I strayed the closer to hell I was getting and the less righteous and loved by God I was.
Fear is something we try to detox ourselves of not something to build upon. When I first began asking myself these questions and discrediting my once accepted beliefs, I literally felt scared! Lol I would apologize to God for questioning God's existence or try to shield or change my thoughts. I eventually had to realize that if I am going to accept the idea of a higher power, a God, I must realize that God knows I am asking these questions anyways lol. My once fear of God wouldn't even allow me to ask the questions I essentially needed to ask. This accepted notion of God suppresses critical thinking, truth and imagination. When we fear God, we lose sight of who we are. We act out of fear of repercussions instead of a love for ourself. We go to church or marry someone or disregard certain people or behaviors because of fear of not being accepted by an all loving God... Lol yall see the irony yet? We don't do what we really feel in our heart because we are afraid that our all loving God won't love us. We rather live in fear of repercussions, imaginary fear and imaginary repercussions, instead of loving ourselves and having faith that our all loving God will love us back as we love ourselves.
This is why I sometimes think of myself as an atheist. The God or Gods I pray to and accept are almost an extension of myself. I know (at least I think I know at this point) that there are forces stronger than myself that architect the divinity in my dimension, and that is the God I thank and pray to. Yet, I know that I possess that same divinity, that same force, within my being, and the closer I move toward my own center (or God) the more divine my life becomes.
This is what I truly believe at this point. This shapes my foundation and is what I have concluded and live by as a result of my eternal spiritual journey thus far. I still have many many questions about who or what God is to me to this day such as is there more than one God? Is there a heaven? Will I be reincarnated? Are our ideas of aliens really Gods? (Lol thats a new question in this whole mix) Am I a potential God? And of course the burning question that still lingers is there really a God? A force outside of myself that orchestrates life or am I the only orchestrator?
I go back and forth on these questions all the time. New questions come up. But the more honest with myself I am, the more questions I resolve with my being, the more spiritually healthy I feel. The more divine occurrences occur. The more prayers are answered. Even if I dont have a definitive concept of the God I pray to, I am being true to myself and in my prayers and the forces that be have responded accordingly. I feel beyond blessed!
I am not saying my concept of God should be accepted as yours. NOOO!! Absolutely not. You have to see what agrees with your spirit. You must be willing to honestly explore yourself and your spirituality though. You have to ask all the questions that you really wonder and not be afraid to stray from the conventional. You have to not be afraid. Have faith! You will be loved!
Come to a conclusion that rests well with your heart and doesn't make you feel restricted or fearful. That allows you to be yourself. It may truly be what is set forth by your religion. Or maybe you agree with certain things in your religion and not others. Maybe you identify more with a totally different religion or none at all. Its your journey to walk though.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Miguel - Party Life
Life ain't forever, we all die
What is the purpose, we all wonder
Pain doesn't discriminate, we all cry
You and I were born to fly
Destiny does not apply
Broken dreams are made of glass
Break the law will not suffice
You and I were born to fly
Destiny does not apply
But we don't want to think
We want to dance, party life
Party life, party life
No competition can change grief
So many follow but don't lead
What is the purpose, we all wonder
Love is the only thing we all need
You and I were born to fly
Destiny does not apply
Broken dreams are made of glass
Break the law will not suffice
You and I were born to fly
Destiny does not apply
But we don't want to think
We want to dance, party life
Party life, party life
Right, you're alright baby
Look around, ah yeah
You and I were born to fly
Destiny does not apply
Broken dreams are made of glass
Break the law will not suffice
You and I were born to fly
Destiny does not apply
But we don't want to think
We want to dance, party life
Party life, party life
In ice the ship is going down
We'll just keep on dancing
You and I were born to fly
Destiny does not apply
Broken dreams are made of glass
Break the law will not suffice
You and I were born to fly
Destiny does not apply
But we don't want to think
We want to dance, party life
Party life, party life
You and I were born to fly
Destiny does not apply
Broken dreams are made of glass
Break the law will not suffice
You and I were born to fly
Destiny does not apply
But we don't want to think
We want to dance, party life
Party life, party life
It's kind of sad but I think
We're gonna keep on dancing
Sunday, February 3, 2013
The Power of Being Young
There is so much power in our youth! It's sad that young people are in a such rush to grow up! Our youth allows us to remain innocent, innovative, and full of energy. Now, not saying as you get older you can no longer be imaginative and hopeful; life is life though and as you get older, you learn and discover more, you lose touch with the "new & fresh", and you gain more responsibilities to re-direct your energy to. In our youth is the perfect time to really GET IT POPPIN (for lack of a better phrase lol).
Why does our youth hold so much power? Because we are innocent. Just think about your teenage self or kid self. Think about how little you knew and how less apprehensive you were. You weren't aware of heartbreaks, HIV, poverty, propaganda, discrimination, death, barriers, obstacles, just all the REAL LIFE aggravations and unavoidable setbacks of life and western society. Being young, you are effortlessly yourself without a care in the world about what others will think about you. Think about that fable about the Emperor and he's wearing nothing at the parade and no one says anything except the child. This is the perfect example of the freedom of our youth. We act from our spirit, from our soul. No inhibitions/apprehension, just genuity. Even as your ego develops, you still remain innocent, the less you experience. Just think about your fears now....what did they stem from? Probably a bad experience. One is not afraid/ hateful/bitter about the opposite sex until they've experienced heartbreak. One is not scared of rejection until they've been rejected. One is not afraid to speak until they've been humiliated. And so on. Our experiences make us bitter....IF WE SO CHOOSE. To not become bitter is difficult though. We only know what we've experienced or what others have told us they've experienced and if those experiences yielded unfavorable results, we try to avoid any similar experiences, by building walls around ourselves.
The other beauty about being young is our innovation and imagination. Steve Jobs expressed the idea of death being the only inevitable act in our lifetime and how it is necessary for the newly birthed to revitalize life with fresh ideas. This is why I say in our youth we possess the most power! Its our young and fresh ideas that are most viable and sought after! We're the ones in the position to implement new ideas, sounds, theories, WHATEVER! It is our ideas that are fresh and different, that will lead to progression, growth, and development. Its our ideas that others crave, because as humans, and esp humans in America, we want something newer, faster, bigger, and better and who better to serve up something new than the newly birthed! We also possess the hope and drive and sometimes even a better means to bring what we imagine to life in our young age. This goes back to my previous idea as well! In our youth we are much more hopeful! We arent as doubtful and cynical....We don't have that "can't do, that would never happen" attitude that plagues us as we experience failure. As we get older, we're reminded of death, so we give up on our dreams or become apathetic if we feel we're not progressing. Also too, many of us have kids and families and all our energy shifts towards that. So use your youth wisely.
I received some great advice from a guy I met in Cleveland: The best way to be is young, playful, and childlike in life. Ok I paraphrased because him and I had extensive conversations lol but his point was spot on. He was an extremely playful gemini who got his point across that being childlike will get you far in life. Sounds kinda backwards right? It makes so much sense though! Being playful and light with people helps them to feel comfortable and secure around you. If you know me, you know I crack alot of jokes and never get upset. I can't tell you how many ppl flock to me for advice, comfort, support etc and I attribute this to my light attitude which helps ppl take their defenses down and generally trust me. He also meant use your imagination. Believe that anything is possible like we believe in our youth because truthfully ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! He meant be innocent. Release your past as if you've never had a bad experience. He meant welcome change. Don't be afraid to take risks and try something new. #YOLO. Life is a journey full of surprises.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
4 Professional Tips To Help Young Professionals Along Their Way
1. Always start an email with a greeting. Whether it's the person's name (John, or Dear John,) or just a general greeting (Good morning, Hello,), its always professional and courteous to begin with a greeting. Also, make sure your signature is appropriate.
2. Research!! Prior to an interview, meeting, or event, its always good to research the company or person you are meeting with so if they ask what you know about us, you can say something. Also, it shows that you are interested! And prepared!
3. Follow ups. These are so important. Following an interview, application, or after you meet someone at an event or receive a business card, follow up with them. Thank them for speaking/meeting with you. Its also charming and awesome when you can recollect something specifically from your exchange. It shows you were listening! Also, everyone isn't gonna follow up! You want to stand out!
4. Resume Etiquette. First, as I recently learned, OBJECTIVES ARE PLAYED OUT. Its all about your professional summary. Make sure grammar and spelling is good. Include skills/areas of expertise. Don't fret if your resume is longer than one page, as long as everything is relevant and cohesive. Include dates and be consistent in font, size, bullet style, etc. Also, include a cover letter!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Astrology 101: Lesson #1 - The 4 Elements
So, I thought if I broke down the zodiac signs by elements and explained their relation to nature, I'd be 1 step closer to achieving my goal of turning the world into mystics lmaooo!!
So there are 12 zodiac signs and they can be split into four elements:

Now just to go into compatibility (SIDEBAR: I don't suggest basing your relationships off of zodiac sign compatibility lol that's just simple. However, look at your favorite musical artists, your close friends or family, past relationships/crushes, and you may see some trends!)
IN THEORY Fire signs are compatible with air signs and vice versa. Earth signs are compatible with water signs and vice versa. Now let's look at nature bwahahhahaha:
Air feeds fire, causing its flames to rise higher. Fire moves air in one direction, UP, making it rise. This is how I can view my relationship with my Gemini and Aquarius best friends. They encourage me so much. They feed my fire! I like to think that I help steer and focus them in accomplishing their goals as a Leo.
The earth NEEDS water for nourishment. While the earth gives water a calmer, sustainable, and consistent path to stay on. I think of this relationship as the calmness and serenity of the earth signs bringing the flow of emotions of the water signs to a comfortable place. Earth signs can appreciate the love and support they receive from their water signs' onslaught of emotion, which helps to bring them into balance with one another.
Fire and water signs oppose eachother, making those signs most incompatible. In nature, they are complete opposites as well as we all know. Earth and air signs oppose eachother, making them most incompatible. I say just look at nature for this pair -- air is above, earth is below. Air is free flowing and everywhere, while the earth is just THERE lol. So fire signs would be MOST COMPATIBLE with AIR and LEAST COMPATIBLE with WATER and SOMEWHAT COMPATIBLE with EARTH (IN THEORY), and so on. Like elements would also be expected to get along well, IN THEORY.
As I said, I wouldn't recommend basing your relationships off of zodiac sign compatibility but it's an interesting way to view your personal relationships from a universal viewpoint. I like to think that everything in this universe is connected. No matter how sophisticated and intelligent we think we may be as human beings, we are still less powerful than nature. We are CREATURES of the universe, not CREATORS.
Also, we have to keep in mind that our sun sign is only one of many signs that may be present in our birth chart. So I'm a fire sign that's attracted to Scorpios. Maybe because I have a Scorpio moon. I'm also a fiery Leo who is suupppeerrr chill lol maybe because most of the planets in my birth chart are in Virgo or Capricorn. My point is that everything aforementioned may not be 100% accurate as it pertains to you, but that doesn't make the science not credible. I think the answers may lie in the rest of your birth chart or possibly in the freeing of your mind toward broader ideas.