Recently, I've read about the history of over 100,000 Asian Americans who were thrown from their homes on the West Coast of the US during WWII following Pearl Harbor and conflict with Japan. They were placed on concentration camps for about 4 years from 1941-1945, secluded and restricted, under 24 hour watch by US military forces. In 1948 under the Evacuation Claims Act internees from the camps received <10% of their total property losses. In 1983, it was concluded that the internment camps were unlawful and stemmed from "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership". In 1988, Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act granting $20,000 to each survivor and issuing a public apology.
I also learned recently a little more in depth how Native Americans have been attempting to undo the damage created by the 'great' ancestors and founders of our country. Native Americans who were stripped of their land, culture, lives then stigmatized and displaced are another culture who have been struggling to recover collectively from a traumatic history in the US. Many habits that plague the Native American population currently are a result of the abuse and oppression from European invaders, such as alcoholism, gambling addiction, and domestic abuse. Native Americans are acting to reverse this trauma by reconnecting with their culture and seeking policy to regain land and maintain their way of life. There is even beginning to be a division amongst Native Americans, with those who maintain a distrust for the US government and dont want to assimilate or work with them to rebuild and those who seek to work with the govt and assimilate into the culture. I don't believe Native Americans have ever received an apology.
Another point I want to recognize is the Jewish Holocaust which we are all familiar with. This lasted about 10 years and had over 10 million casualties, with about 6 million being Jewish. The Holocaust ended in 1945 and in 1953 an agreement had been reached and Germany began paying BILLIONS of dollars to Jews in reparations and to this day, many Jews still seek additional reparations.
These are all horrible and otrocious acts without a doubt. I am not trying to make a comparison about which is worse because in my opinion oppression is oppression is wrong. All these acts in history share similarities with slavery too. The racial prejudice, mistreatment of citizens, stigmatization, horrible treatment of people orchestrated by the government, stripping of culture, deplorable living conditions, unlawful invasions, dehumanization, failure of politcal intervenence, stealing of property, etc. But what is the major difference? Reparations. Rebuilding. Length of time in which forgiveness is recognized and expressed. Descendants of slavery have never received reparations and the conversation is rarely even discussed in political arenas. Unlike Native Americans, the cultural and literal bond between African Americans and Africa and the cultures that were stripped during the "move" from Africa to America during the slave trade remains invisible and broken. Ha if anything African Americans ( the name yall like) want to be as least African as possible. Lastly, the US didnt officially issue an apology for slavery until 2009 (not unanimously fyi). 200 years later! Jews and Asian Americans (and mankind frankly) received compensation AND apologies in faster time.
Honestly, all of these victims deserve compensation and justice for the crimes committed against them. For property stolen. Years of Life stolen. And identity stolen. What I noticed is that the Jews and Asian Americans had to fight for what they were due. These same perpetuators and enforcers of oppression were not going to just say "Okay lets pay you back for all the fucked up shit we knowingly did to you". No. They had to collectively organize and put pressure on the oppressors/ big wigs to put their money where their bullshit legislation was and apologize and pay up! And thats exactly what they did.
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Middle Passage slave voyage |
We're also divided on reconnecting with our lost and forgotten culture. I understand both points of view honestly; those who want to reclaim a stolen African culture and those who want to maintain the only American culture they know. But personally, I can not willingly and excitedly adopt a culture which in its creation denounced someone who looked like me as inhuman and unworthy of righteous living and respect. Idk just common sense wise....factually...REALISTICALLY... This culture was forced upon my people, used to degrade me, and placed ppl of African descent at a subservient status. Frankly, I still feel that American culture implies this attitude today ( for the norms of American culture do not reflect African American values, beauty standards, habits etc in fact they're stigmatized i.e "nappy" hair, curvy figures, expressive emotion, communalism, etc.). This alllll needs to be taken into consideration before I say I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! Sike nigga
I wonder though, why isn't anyone else outraged and in support of justice for the descendants of slaves? Why wait so long to issue an apology? Why isn't this ever discussed? Why wasn't it rectified years ago? I find it just interesting that most people can agree all these incidents are tragic and Jews and Asians deserve restitution and Native Americans deserve to maintain their land and culture but when it comes to slavery, Blacks need to stop complaining and get over it. WTF?!??!
Worst of all is that Black people have this get over it attitude as well. Oh how easy it is to keep a race/ population oppressed who doesnt even realize it. People get away with murder because you let them, and Blacks in America have let the country LITERALLY get away with murder. Now generations later we see cycles of poverty and illiteracy etc. We have accepted maltreatment and a subservient state in the country and the country thanks us for our hospitality.
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