My friend posted this on my facebook page. It really changed by outlook on Jesus himself. I always looked at Jesus as the symbol for Christianity. I don't support organized religion and Christianity is the worst in my opinion!
As I listened to this poem though, I gained a better understanding of the man Jesus. Jesus as a man, was dedicated to love and faith; dedicated to the ppl. However, Christianity as we witness it today, is not engulfed in these concepts. Its way too political and dedicated to concepts such as greed, perception, and power. Now, I'm sure some of these Christians really do have a strong faith in God and a strong love for Jesus but religion makes one believe that there is an outline to be followed and there are do's and dont's of righteous living. I say, follow the guidance of Jesus.
Understand and accept your imperfections, while working to improve upon them. Love yourself and your neighbor. Build a strong relationship with your God. There is no right way or wrong way. Church attendance doesn't negate your impure and untrue actions and desires. Only you and God TRULY know your heart. Do not let another man ( a man who bleeds and sins like us all) dictate what you believe, who you love, how you act, right from wrong, or anything else.
Just know anything institutionalized is meant to conform the masses.
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