Wednesday, August 8, 2012

4 Tools To Help Heighten Your Self Awareness

These are four tools that I've come across that have helped me to gain better knowledge of myself and the intricacies of my mind, body, and spirit.

1. The Enneagram- This is a model of the human personality which was developed in Alexandria in the 4th century and was introduced to the United States in the 1970s. It basically states that there are nine personality types: The Reformer, The Helper, The Achiever, The Individualist, The Investigator, The Loyalist, The Enthusiast, The Challenger, and The Peacemaker. This is what the enneagram looks like:

The figure may seem complicated, but it truly is not. I would recommend in depth analysis and reading to thoroughly understand all aspects of the enneagram (wings, subtypes, points of integration and disintegration etc). A VERY good book that breaks all of this down as well as each personality type at its healthy, average and unhealthy stages is:

Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for Self Discovery By Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson
Also, a few links to try and discover your enneatype by taking a short quiz:

2. Astrology and the Zodiac- This is the first tool that I really began utilizing for myself. I suggest very in depth research of your sun sign, which most people already know (I'm a Leo, born August 8th). Google your sign but try to be more specific with your search like "Leo female personality" or "Leo characteristics and traits". From there, I would suggest learning your moon sign, which can be found out by getting a free birth chart at this link To obtain a birth chart, you do need to know your TIME and PLACE of birth, which can be found on your birth certificate. Once you have your birth chart, begin researching those signs and the personality traits associated with them. I would definitely start googling things like "Sun in Leo, Moon in Cancer" or "Sun in Leo with Aries Ascendant". Then there are planets, and houses; its a very in depth science.

Also, read books!! Learn the history of astrology!! It is alot more than these simple ass horoscopes we see on twitter, facebook, and in the paper. A few good books I can suggest are:
But there are so, so many and everyone prefers different reading selections. Amazon has a number of books that you can get for less than $5 or just visit the library. Google also works just fine too.

3. MBTI Personality Typology- The Myers Briggs Test was developed by Isabel Myers Briggs and is based on the theory of psychological type presented by Carl Jung.  Jung basically states that humans have their rational functions (thinking and feeling) and irrational functions (sensing and intuition) and they are expressed in an introverted or extroverted sense. From this, the MBTI questionnaire was developed and your personality is described using a four letter schematic (ISTJ, ENFP, etc.) Many people typically use this tool to help them discover what career typically fits their personality, but I have found it EXTREMELY helpful in just understanding my motives and actions as a whole. The test can be taken at this link or this one

4: Keirsey Temperament Sorter- Temperament is a configuration of observable personality traits, such as habits of communication, patterns of action, and sets of characteristic attitudes, values, and talents. It also encompasses personal needs, the kinds of contributions that individuals make in the workplace, and the roles they play in society. Dr. David Keirsey has identified mankind's four basic temperaments as the Artisan, the Guardian, the Rational, and the Idealist.This test can be taken at this link

Some tips when exploring any of these further or taking the quizzes especially:
  • Have an OPEN MIND
  • Be HONEST with yourself when answering the questions
  • Look at various sources (books, websites, authors). Find one that YOU find credible 
I hope these can be as useful to others as they have been to me.