Tuesday, January 29, 2013

4 Professional Tips To Help Young Professionals Along Their Way

1. Always start an email with a greeting. Whether it's the person's name (John, or Dear John,) or just a general greeting (Good morning, Hello,), its always professional and courteous to begin with a greeting. Also, make sure your signature is appropriate.

2. Research!! Prior to an interview, meeting, or event, its always good to research the company or person you are meeting with so if they ask what you know about us, you can say something. Also, it shows that you are interested! And prepared!

3. Follow ups. These are so important. Following an interview, application, or after you meet someone at an event or receive a business card, follow up with them. Thank them for speaking/meeting with you. Its also charming and awesome when you can recollect something specifically from your exchange. It shows you were listening! Also, everyone isn't gonna follow up! You want to stand out!

4. Resume Etiquette. First, as I recently learned, OBJECTIVES ARE PLAYED OUT. Its all about your professional summary. Make sure grammar and spelling is good. Include skills/areas of expertise. Don't fret if your resume is longer than one page, as long as everything is relevant and cohesive. Include dates and be consistent in font, size, bullet style, etc. Also, include a cover letter!

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