Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Riding the Natural Hair Wave~~~~~

I KNOWWWW everyone is noticing this recent trend in the Black community amongst our sisters who are converting to natural hair (woot! woot!). I swear before I got dreaded up and I was rockin the curly 'fro, I couldn't go anywhere without someone asking me what products I used and how long had I been natural because they were about to or had just started embarking on their natural hair journey as well. Now even more people, young women at that, are losing their weaves and relaxers. I'M ALL FOR IT!!!

I'm not one of those people who thinks that women shouldn't wear weaves or get relaxers....per se. I think a female should style her hair in whatever way is most manageable for her and makes her feel most comfortable. That's ultimately why I decided to go natural. I've NEVER liked combing my hair. I've NEVER liked the way relaxers made my hair feel. And I still had to flat iron the shit anyways so I always felt like WTF is the point of torturing my scalp, trying to refrain from scratching, just so I can get it straight,  when I still have to spend 1.5 hours flat ironing it. All the wrapping and retouches and work UH UH NOT ME!! So I switched to a style where I could get my hair wet in the shower, get in the pool carefree (even though I rarely swim lol I BLAME RELAXERS!!), and not worry about wrapping my hair each and every night. I loved my natural hair texture and my hair grew back so much more healthy.

But the real thing I'm pondering about Black women is: Do you REALLY prefer relaxers and weaves or is that what you have been CONDITIONED to prefer??? I mean, starting with the media and entertainment industry, they've always ingrained in our minds that LONG, STRAIGHT HAIR is a symbol of beauty. Not only were the women brainwashed to believe this but the men as well!! Men perpetuate this completely skewed and subjective viewpoint, openly saying (for the most part) that they prefer women with long, straight hair. Of course, most women want to please the man in their life or the man they seek to attract, so they alter their appearance without pause.

This viewpoint has plagued the Black community for decades, creating self hatred amongst our race. We don't like our hair texture or length or color (along with all the other features Black people hate about themselves i.e. MJ and his nose issue). Our natural hair texture was stigmatized as "nappy" and "bad", and women along with men began wearing wigs and getting "conked" up in order to appear socially acceptable and maintain society's standard of beauty. Now, decades and decades later, we still believe that our natural hair texture is not beautiful. We don't think it's good enough; we must add color and extensions and harmful chemicals in order to CREATE this acceptable image of beauty. All these alterations must indicate one thing: we don't like ourselves the way we are NATURALLY. Isn't that a slap in God's face though.....

I hear numerous reasons amongst Black women as to why they FEAR (yes FEAR!!) going natural: Their hair grows too slow, its too nappy, they don't think they will look right with short hair, they need their relaxers blah blah blah. I'm not trying to force the issue BUT those are some WEAK ASS excuses! I think women need to honestly re-evealuate their own insecurities. First, your hair doesn't define you. Second, someone else's standards of beauty, be it the men you're pursuing or society itself, should not affect the way you view and feel about yourself! This is the way GOD MADE YOU. This is the WAY YOU WERE BORN. No make up. No extensions. No relaxers. No acrylics. JUST YOU. Embrace that beauty. Once you do, others will as well.

This is why, although I absolutely DETEST trends, I'm AOK with this wave. I hope it is through this means that Black women come to appreciate their natural beauty; the natural beauty of our thick and kinky hair. We aren't meant to fit in. STAND UP & STAND OUT!!

20 Reasons To Go Natural http://meechymonroe.com/?p=1366


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